Financially stressed employees are five times more likely to be distracted at work and 46% spend three or more hours a week dealing with financial issues *(According to PWC study).
Financial education is a benefit that pays dividends to employer and employee alike. We have an inventory of educational webinars, and by working with your management team, we can customize these sessions to the needs and preferences of your employees. Employees who believe that they are valued are more valuable. They have higher morale, and are more loyal to their employer, which translates directly into higher productivity, greater retention, and lower human resources costs.
Our seminars address all aspects of financial wellness and planning, here are some examples:
Group Benefits:
Your Employee Benefits Plan
Healthcare Options
Health Care for The Uninsurable
What is Disability Insurance?
What is Critical Illness Insurance?
Leaving your job
Group Retirement:
Building A Financial Plan for the Future
Choosing between RRSP / TFSA / RESP
Investment Planning
Retirement Planning
Managing RRSP's / Pensions
Wills and Protecting Your Estate
Meeting Survivor Needs
Personal Finance
Managing Your Money
Tax Planning
New Homes, New Needs
Retiring Employees
Setting Your Kids Up for Success
Education Planning
Dollars & Cents of Marriage
Consolidating Debt
Risk Management
We host in-person or virtual sessions to meet each company’s unique need.